
Oxalic acid against varroa

INGREDIENTS: Oxalic acid, saccharose

DESCRIPTION: Apioxal -Oxalic acid based product has long been used to treat Varroa. Belongs to the group of environmental agents, with special emphasis on the modern way of bees breeding.

DOSAGE: Drop 5ml of the prepared solution onto each frame in the beehive.
Treatment period: WINTER (little or no litter), SPRING(at birth), SUMMER (without laying eggs).
Whenever it is necessary to reduce the level of Varoza infection, winter is the basic and primary, to provide a healthy bee stock in the spring.

ADVICE TO USE: Wear gloves and goggles when handling. Treat all colonies in the apiary to prevent the ingestion of honey. For summer treatment, prevent the queen bee from lying down for 25 days before treatment.

